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Cours gratuits > Forum : English only [ POSTER UN NOUVEAU SUJET ]
All your questions about the English language, no French allowed.

Our Story/175 (3h) Ex 275- a mixed couple? (3h) Ex 274/conflicts (8h)
Sentir mauvais (20h) Demande correction pour bac or... (23h) LS62/Let's have a break 8 (27h)
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Page 12 [Début]

Of/ between gerund and noun2matloyd 28-07-2018 13:58:36
Difference than/ that1anonyme 28-07-2018 12:44:43
Give up/give in 4anonyme 25-07-2018 16:48:02
Question/about verbs 2mrtarek 18-07-2018 14:39:26
A question/Fly2anonyme 17-07-2018 17:44:20
Even if /even though 2mohammad51 17-07-2018 06:54:05
Any subject/ verb agreement 2mohammad51 17-07-2018 06:51:51
Conjugation/help3dalel09 16-07-2018 10:28:05
Corrections/ nouns5arijit 12-07-2018 08:34:05
New user/penfriend2loser520 24-06-2018 09:19:39
Conditional/ help1prajwal98 17-06-2018 01:46:15
So / such 3mohammad51 12-06-2018 12:45:48
Preposition/ help 2prajwal98 10-06-2018 16:45:51
May I ask you/aide 2mohammad51 08-06-2018 19:17:31
Passive/help5anonyme 30-05-2018 21:46:43
Help/cover letter0studentnrw 30-05-2018 19:29:01
Preposition/help4angrepa 22-05-2018 22:23:57
It's me / It's I3mohammad51 16-05-2018 10:27:00
Could/be able to 4anonyme 13-05-2018 23:58:10
Please help/ important 7leenah 23-04-2018 14:40:20

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