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Message de lyne posté le 2004-12-25 16:11:06 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour et Joyeux Noël,

Pour les plus studieux en ce jour, le corrigé à partir de mercredi.

Quelques indéfinis de quantité
Les indéfinis de quantité servent à exprimer l’idée de quantité ou de nombre sans la préciser.


Many et much s’emploient surtout dans les phrases interrogatives et négatives.
Many + dénombrable (ce qu’on peut compter).
Are there many CDs in your rom ?
Y a-t-il beaucoup de CD dans ta chambre ?

Much + indénombrable (ce qu’on ne peut pas compter).
I haven’t got much money.
Je n’ai pas beaucoup d’argent.

A lot of + dénombrable ou indénombrable.
A lot of records. Beaucoup de disques.
A lot of work. Beaucoup de travail.

Plenty of sert à exprimer l’idée d’abondance.
We’ve got plenty of time.
Nous avons tout notre temps.
We’ve got plenty of records.
Nous avons beaucoup de disques.

Trouver les questions correspondant aux phrases suivantes en utilisant many ou much.
Ex. : There were a lot of people -> Were there many people ?

1- He’s got a lot of work today.
2- There are a lot of chairs in the hall.
3- They’ve got a lot of friends.
4- There is a lot of trafic.
5- She’s got a lot of time.

Réponse: re:Indéfinis de quantité de grabuge, postée le 2004-12-25 19:37:29 (S | E)

1- He’s got a lot of work today.
2- There are a lot of chairs in the hall.
3- They’ve got a lot of friends.
4- There is a lot of trafic.
5- She’s got a lot of time.

1/ Has he got much work today ?
2/ Are there many chairs in the hall ?
3/ Have they got many friends ?
4/ Is there much trafic ?
5/ Has she got much time ?

Réponse: re:Indéfinis de quantité de niz0n, postée le 2004-12-25 20:37:36 (S | E)
1- He’s got a lot of work today.
Has he got much work today?

2- There are a lot of chairs in the hall.
Are there a many chairs in the hall?

3- They’ve got a lot of friends.
Have they got many friends?

4- There is a lot of trafic.
Is there much trafic?

5- She’s got a lot of time.
Is she got much time?

Réponse: re:Indéfinis de quantité de gewurz, postée le 2004-12-25 22:21:00 (S | E)
1- He has got a lot of work today.
2- There are a lot of chairs in the hall.
3- They have got a lot of friends.
4- There is a lot of trafic.
5- She has got a lot of time.

1- Has he got much work today ?
2- Are there many chairs in the hall ?
3- Have they got many friends ?
4- Is there much trafic ?
5- Has she got much time ?

thanks Lyne.

Edité par gewurz le 2004-12-25 23:04:04

Réponse: re:Indéfinis de quantité de tek-tek, postée le 2004-12-26 09:35:03 (S | E)

Je me lance pour cet exercice :

1- He’s got a lot of work today./Has he got much work today?
2- There are a lot of chairs in the hall./Are there many chairs in the hall?
3- They’ve got a lot of friends./Have they got many friends?
4- There is a lot of trafic./Is there much trafic?
5- She’s got a lot of time./Has she got many time?


Réponse: re:Indéfinis de quantité de salsify, postée le 2004-12-26 11:51:07 (S | E)
Trouver les questions correspondant aux phrases suivantes en utilisant many ou much.
Ex. : There were a lot of people -> Were there many people ?

1- He’s got a lot of work today.
--> Has he got much work today?
2- There are a lot of chairs in the hall.
--> Are there many chairs in the hall?
3- They’ve got a lot of friends.
--> Have they gat many friends?
4- There is a lot of trafic.
--> Is there much traffic?
5- She’s got a lot of time.
--> Has she got much time?

J'espère que je ne me suis pas trop trompée. Merci pour la révision car ce n'est jamais très évident de savoir quel indéfini de quantité il faut utiliser.
Merci encore.

Réponse: re:Indéfinis de quantité de lyne, postée le 2004-12-29 16:30:51 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci de votre participation.
Voici le corrigé.

1- Has he got much work today ?
2- Are there many chairs in the hall ?
3- Have they got many friends ?
4- Is there much trafic ?
5- Has she got much time ?

Réponse: re:Indéfinis de quantité de bridg, postée le 2004-12-29 16:34:33 (S | E)
Les 2 premières ont posées problème, peux tu nous faire un complément d'explications?



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