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Cours gratuits > Forum : Exercices du forum [ POSTER UN NOUVEAU SUJET ]
Retrouvez des centaines d'exercices ici et créez votre propre test ici. D'autres exercices sont également disponibles dans le forum English only

Subjonctif II (5h) Duolingo - fiable ou pas ? (5h) Ex 277/going to Two Dance (10h)
Let's Suggest 64/ Let�... (11h) Our Story /177 (16h) Let's suggest 63-/Let... (38h)
Ex 276/difficult relationships... (77h) Playing with words/56 (81h) Un texte narratif (128h)

Page 32 [Début]

Ex 65/Going on18here4u 30-01-2016 23:54:53
Ex 64/ Back to cruising speed20here4u 21-01-2016 12:19:30
Ex 63/on the threshold of 201621here4u 10-01-2016 23:51:08
Ex 62/Gaining momentum 24here4u 30-12-2015 13:03:29
Such an ordinary name/ III 25violet91 23-12-2015 09:27:47
Ex 61/ More haste, less speed19here4u 18-12-2015 23:39:25
Ex 60/Standing up and walking20here4u 09-12-2015 00:03:12
Ex59/Dumbfounded, gasping for breath25here4u 02-12-2015 18:40:09
Such an ordinary name/ II20violet91 29-11-2015 17:50:37
Exercice58/Let's keep rolling on19here4u 21-11-2015 23:54:20
Exercice57/Go for it!25here4u 11-11-2015 22:30:43
Exercice 56/ Holding on29here4u 01-11-2015 00:05:03
Exercice 55/Second breath33here4u 28-10-2015 21:57:34
Such an ordinary name/Version 30violet91 12-10-2015 07:29:49
Exercice 54/ Patiently...40here4u 10-10-2015 21:55:59
Exercise 53/ Going on 34here4u 09-10-2015 12:50:18
Exercice 52/resuming work...21here4u 14-09-2015 11:23:38
Exercice 51/Still a rest21here4u 01-09-2015 00:03:05
L'une chante... /Thème26violet91 28-08-2015 19:19:50
Exercice 50 / Holiday22here4u 22-08-2015 22:27:05

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