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Rapport / stage

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Rapport / stage
Message de girlymagique posté le 31-12-2015 à 13:34:06 (S | E | F)
je dois traduire mon rapport de stage qui est en français en anglais. Je vais mettre ci-dessous le rapport en anglais. Pouvez-vous s'il vous plait m'indiquer mes erreurs puis m'expliquer comment corriger celles-ci.
Merci d'avance et bonnes fêtes

Contents :
-Introduction (page 3 and 4)
- Presentation of business (page 5 and 6)
- Activities realized during a work experience (page 7 and 8)
- Approach of profession be in relation to my professional project (page 9 and 10)
- Conclusion (page 11)
Introduction :
Motivation of the choice of internship be in relation to my personal orientation project?
I am interested in studying law with the desire to become a lawyer. I wish later to provide advice to clients to assist them in managing their business. This is a real opportunity for me to discover different aspects of the profession by making my internship in this law firm.

Presentation of the advances (with corresponding calendar) companies for the research internship?
Already knowing the law firm father’s intervention whose his company had asked legal advice. I sent them a letter asking them if it was possible to take my for the work experience. After a positive response from them I could see with them the possible dates and travel time. (See the calendar in power point)

Description of the place of internship: location, local...
A work experience took place at 305 Pellissier Street in the center of xxx in professional premises.
When a work experience was realized, specific dates
A work experience took place from Tuesday, October 20, 2015 to Thursday, October 22, 2015. (See calendar in power point).

Did you have difficulties for found a work experience corresponding with my professional choice? If so, which?

In the third I had already wanted to do an internship with a lawyer, I had a letter of motivation and I am moved me to introduce myself in four offices, but given my young age none of them had wished me take. I was directed me on an internship in a real estate agency where I could have an approach to the real estate law.
This year still with the same business purpose, I reiterated my request but this time in a business law firm that my father already knew.

Presentation of business:
Precise description of the business or public service having served internship framework:
- Name registered address
This company is called Arcane Juris, its address is xxx and finally its headquarters is in xxx.
- Legal status
Its legal status is SELARL meaning liberal Exercise Limited Liability Company.
- A number of people working on the site concerned, business present in this place of internship
In all there are eight people, including two lawyers, legal practitioner, an archivist, three legal assistant, accounting secretary.
- Organizational responsibility
Archivist: This consists in sorting the archives (know what to keep or throw away or if we need to make a copy ...)
Legal Assistants: Secretariat annual general meetings, leases, sales fund various acts, correspondence, procedures (if applicable with various organizations (tax office, Chamber of Trade, Chamber of Commerce, the Registry of the Commercial Court, log legal announcements), switchboard, reception, fitting the physical and computer records, keeping diaries, organizing, preparing files for appointment.
Secretary Accountant: it deals with reminders of unpaid bills to customers, she seized checks or transfers made by customers, it makes management CARPA account (You should know that the lawyer has a case of Pecuniary regulations said CARPA by which he must pass for at least thirty days, the funds it has received on behalf of his client), it sends checks that are returned when signing a sale and releases funds to the seller after expiration of the legal deadlines, payment of legal announcements newspaper (xxx), drafting of acts raised hands, ordering supplies.
Legal: The legal profession is to alert the company about the risks it runs; study the various files; establish contracts; issue an opinion on legal issues; defend the company in case of lawsuit with the support of external lawyers; determining the tax treatment best suited to the enterprise; work on a possible social plan; ensure the entry into force of new legislation; advise all services on changing laws; explain legal issues to its employees.
Descriptive of the produce or services offered on the work experience website:
- What is their activity?
The legal counsel advises a company during its creation, dissolution, liquidation, share transfer, transfer of registered office, appointment or change of a manager, as redemption, trade premises sales and craft ... He advises but follows also legally.
- With what equipment this production is produced it?
This activity is performed through computers with Poly Office program (computer program to enter data on clients), photocopier and printer in internet law books.
- What is the customer of the business or service?
Customers are mostly company managers.
-Description of the company's communications:

- External Communication: the company does it know its production to the public? If so, how (strategies put in places) if not, why?
External communications are with the Registry (that is all the services of a court composed of officials from justice). The court offices are in charge of many missions, including that of managing documents that they undertake in writing, receipt, retention or dissemination.
During the sale of business assets or funds crafts there is advertising on the official bulletin of civil and commercial ads (BODACC) it is published all legal announcements punctuating the life of a company (creation, changes, terminations , sale of funds ...).

Law firms are entitled from March 17, 2014 to resort to advertising permitted the lawyer if she provides honest information about the nature of proposed services and if its implementation respects the essential principles of the profession
- Internal communication: Does company management communicates with staff? If so, how? If not why?
Yes a lot by talking with staff to agree on some point and through an annual performance assessment (see attachments annual performance assessment) where desired qualities and skills and improvements are noted.
Is there a service "human resource management"
No it's the lawyers who are responsible and that grant leave, training ... and all decisions are marked in the annual performance assessment.
Activities carried out during the internship:

Precise description of the activities:
- Work schedule

- The tasks performed
I attended a meeting between a lawyer (xxx) and clients after they have given their agreement. It was very interesting; I came to realize customer expectations and professional attitude of the lawyer.
I analyzed the folder must realize Arcane Juris for each client that creates a company (the Statutes, the Registries of Commerce and Companies ...)
- Staff with which you have been in contact
I have been in contact with all members of society xxx (lawyers, the lawyer, the archivist, legal assistants, and accounting secretary) I was able to spend time with each of his people so that she explains what constituted their trades.
Highlighting the positive aspects but also the constraints that you have experienced during the internship.

The positive aspects are the very warm welcome of the people working in xxx, I was taught many words in relationship with the law. The people were very attentive to answer my questions; I was able to attend an appointment between xxx and customers which was very informative.
I was told how to organize a client's file.
I am now sure of my professional choice. I was told some legal concepts and the studies I had to follow, I was given many examples to explain all the concepts or terms that were me complex.
Negative aspects
I could not spend as much as I have wanted to lawyers who unfortunately were much in meetings or appointments with customers.
A complex legal vocabulary in the beginning but then much more understandable in the explanations.
I have to be careful at night to remain cautious on the explanations of my day because I had to sort of what I had the right to say and what was confidential.
Approach to the profession related to your personal project:

Later I would like to exercise the legal profession that is why I chose to do my internship in a company lawyer.
Precise description of the activity performed in the context of this profession for your personal project. The experience of this activity it corresponds to the idea as you did? Justify. I attended a meeting between a client and an attorney, to the extent the content of it is confidential, and I can’t say what it was.
But I could see how the lawyer advising a client according to his needs, it was very informative.
I realized that the lawyer was to be sure of his position and that sometimes he had to show leadership and customer vis-à-vis firmness.
It is on the number of cases occurring positive ways is his reputation, he has no right to make mistakes.
This internship allowed me to relate the idea that I was doing a lawyer and reality.
I was aware that he had to acquire extensive knowledge in the field of law, rigor, but I never imagined that this job can be as stressful. (Always be sure of her good advice to guide the customer and satisfy).

What level of education and the diploma required for the practice of this profession?
To become a lawyer here what level of education is necessary?
- Right to License
- Master Social Law
- Master of Business
- ESC or IEP (Superior School of Commerce or institutes legal studies) (Both Bac +5)
What is the curriculum of studies (from the second) to achieve this degree?
You can go to one of those chain (ES / S / L), and then get the tray and then move towards a Law University for 4 years, then we can stay one more year to get the ESC ( Superior School of Commerce) or IEP (Institute of Judicial Studies) that are both Bac +5. Future lawyers should report to the review that will open (or not) the doors of a Regional Centre of Professional Training of Lawyers (CRFPA). A year of training then follow in CRFPA, which includes two internships, one in law firm (mandatory), the other choice with any legal professional. At the end of this year, the student gets a certificate of aptitude for the profession of Lawyer (CAPA). After obtaining the CAPA come two years of additional training in law practice. We will follow seven years of study to become a lawyer.
- What is the tutor of studies he has himself taken to the practice of this profession?
Master Develotte thinks the difficulty of the studies has intensified since he did it. It was very interesting and rewarding school, he told me he needed a lot of rigor and do not underestimate the workload.
- The practice of this profession does require periodic retraining?
Lawyers receive training for many they recover to date on certain points (new laws ...)

Conclusion :
- What relationship do you see between high school and the route to follow to achieve your career plan?
I must have obtained my tray to continue my studies in the Rights is why the High School was a turning point to start my career. We learn this year at the Lycée rigor and organization in our work and I would need to do my job later.
- What are the constraints that you think are inherent in professional activity whatsoever?
From what I've seen, there are time constraints, we must also know teamwork, stress, learn to be organized ...
- What conclusion do you draw from this experience for the months and years ahead?
I have worked hard and carefully to get to my goal of becoming a lawyer. I must persevere and continue my efforts to have later a profession that I like. I know that I engage in long years of study.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-01-2016 09:01


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