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CV/ US stage

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CV/ US stage
Message de juudlny posté le 14-12-2015 à 19:51:33 (S | E | F)
Je suis à la recherche d'un stage à l'étranger pour cet été, et j'ai donc fait un CV sur le modèle du CV américain. Cependant j'aurais besoin de quelques corrections car je ne suis pas sûre des termes ou formules utilisées.
Voici les éléments ci-dessous :

- Education :
2013-2016 Third year of Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) – XXXXX (nom de l'école) xxx, France
A “French Business School” : state-recognized diploma and AACSB accredited
With First Class Honours - Top of the year (1st/129)

2013 End of school certificate in economics and social studies, political sciences speciality. Lycée xxx, France
“Baccalauréat” (equivalent of High School Diploma)
Certificate with First Class Honours

- Work experience :
2015-2016 Merchandising and Operational Marketing Intern in XXX Group (Top of the Range Fashion Brand), 6 months (From August 2015 to Februar 2016).xxx France
. Working closely with the management and marketing team to increase sales and develop the brand image
. Analyze the performance of the XXXX (nom de l'entreprise) stores: weekly sales and stocks analysis (by product, region…)
. Realization of Merchandising Guidelines for xxx Retail (Display, Updating and Shop Windows)
. Participation in the organization of XXX (nom de l'entreprise) events (Fashionshow in Paris, Seminar for Regional Directors, Concept Stores opening in France and Europe…)
. Create sales tools for Retail Network (books, tips guide ...)
. Competitive and market intelligence
. Control field setting up Merchandising and training of sales team

Summer 2015 Client advisor in XXX (nom de l'entreprise) (Men Fashion Brand), 2 months. xxx, France
. Welcoming, Clienteling and Sale
. Preparation of sales season (labelling, packing…)
. Visual Merchandising (Store)
. Restocking

Summer 2014 Store Manager Assistant in XXX (nom de l'entreprise)(Top of the range Fashion Brand), 2 months. xxx, France
 Welcoming, Clienteling and Sale
 Analyze sales and fixate objectives to achieve
 Visual Merchandising (Store and Shop Windows)
 Stock Management

- Community involvment

2014-2015 Humanitarian Student Project in parternship with the « xxxx Association ». xxx, France
 Discover the “world of sea” allowing 15 disadvantaged children : visit the most renowned aquarium in France and boat trip
 Partnerships with companies and implementing actions (sales, appeal for donations) Our project received 1200 € of donations
 Campaigns on the radio and in local newspapers

2013-2014 Cooking competition for cook apprentices in parternship with “xxx Association”. xxx, France
 Promoting professional learning of young people and local cooking products

2012-2013  Member of Student Office – xxx, France
 Events organization : final year gala evening (100 guests), collect of donations for xxx

- Special skills

Computer Excellent mastery of office tools: Word, Excel and Power Point
Basic knowledge in Photoshop

Language  French: Native Speaker
 English: Operational Level
 German: Intermediary Level

- Interests and activities
Sports  From 2005 to 2012: Artistic feminine gymnastics (7 years) - Team spirit, Precision, Attention to detail
Hobbies  Fashion, fashion bloggers and fashion designers and shows
 Cosmetic and new innovations
 Economics, politics and media universe
 Travels and discover new cultures (Canada, Italy, Belgium, Spain)

- References
References available upon request.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-12-2015 22:12

Réponse: CV/ US stage de gerondif, postée le 15-12-2015 à 17:19:05 (S | E)
je vais corriger ce que je peux, n'étant pas spécialiste de ce genre de verbiage abrégé:
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

- Education :
2013-2016 Third year of Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) – XXXXX (nom de l'école) xxx, France
(vous avez fait un Bachelor en trois ans, j'aurais dit: Bachelor in Businbess Administration in three years)
A “French Business School” : state-recognized diploma and AACSB accredited
With First Class Honours - Top of the year (1st/129)

2013 End of school certificate in economics and social studies, political sciences speciality. Lycée xxx, France
“Baccalauréat” (equivalent of High School Diploma, A levels)
Certificate with First Class Honours

- Work experience :
2015-2016 Merchandising and Operational Marketing Intern in XXX Group (Top of the Range Fashion Brand), for(moi, je mettrais ce "pendant", mais si les CV "américains" ne le mettent pas, vous pourrez l'enlever) 6 months (From August 2015 to February 2016).xxx France
. Working closely with the management and marketing team to increase sales and develop the brand image
. Analyzing the performance of the XXXX (nom de l'entreprise) stores: weekly sales and stocks analysis (by product, region…)
. Realization of Merchandising Guidelines for xxx Retail (Display, Updating and Shop Windows)
. Participation in the organization of XXX (nom de l'entreprise) events (Fashionshow in Paris, Seminar for Regional Directors, Concept Stores opening in France and Europe…)
. Creating sales tools for Retail Network (books, tips guide ...)
. Competitive and market intelligence
. Controlling field setting up Merchandising and training of sales-team

Summer 2015 Client advisor in XXX (nom de l'entreprise) (Men Fashion Brand), for 2 months. xxx, France
. Welcoming, Clienteling and Sale
. Preparation of sales season (labelling, packing…)
. Visual Merchandising (Store)
. Restocking

Summer 2014 Store Manager Assistant in XXX (nom de l'entreprise)(Top of the range Fashion Brand), for 2 months. xxx, France
 Welcoming, Clienteling and Sale
 Analysing sales and fixate(choisir, décider..) objectives to achieve
 Visual Merchandising (Store and Shop Windows)
 Stock Management

- Community involvement

2014-2015 Humanitarian Student Project in parternship with the « xxxx Association ». xxx, France
 Discovering the “world of sea” allowing(les autorisant à faire quoi ? sinon, il faut dire: allowing 15 children to visit an aquarium and to enjoy/take part in/ a boat trip) 15 disadvantaged children : visit the most renowned aquarium in France and boat trip
 Partnerships with companies and implementing actions (sales, appeal for donations) Our project received 1200 € of donations (in) (ou alors 1200€ donations, comme on fit a sixty-dollar-fine)
 Campaigns on the radio and in local newspapers

2013-2014 Cooking competition for cook apprentices in parternship with “xxx Association”. xxx, France
 Promoting professional learning of young people and local cooking products

2012-2013  Member of Student Office – xxx, France
 Events organization : final year gala evening (100 guests), collecting of donations for xxx

- Special skills

Computer: Excellent mastery of office tools: Word, Excel and Power Point
Basic knowledge in Photoshop

Languages  French: Native Speaker
 English: Operational Level
 German: Intermediary(intermediate) Level

- Interests and activities
Sports  From 2005 to 2012: Artistic feminine gymnastics (7 years) - Team spirit, Precision, Attention to detail
Hobbies  Fashion, fashion bloggers and fashion designers and shows
 Cosmetic and new innovations
 Economics, politics and media universe
 Travels and discovering new cultures (Canada, Italy, Belgium, Spain)

- References
References available upon request.

Réponse: CV/ US stage de juudlny, postée le 15-12-2015 à 20:06:44 (S | E)
Merci pour cette correction précise et pour ton aide


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