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Mr Fast /and Mr Slow

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Mr Fast /and Mr Slow
Message de medmad2000 posté le 25-06-2024 à 14:59:31 (S | E | F)
hell0, please can you helpe me to correct this story. Thank you very much.
There once were two men, the first called Mr. Fast and the second called Mr. Slow, they are friends, Mr. Fast is always in a hurry, he talks quickly, walks quickly, takes his decisions quickly, he even eats fast, because in his belief there is no more time to waste, but Mr. Slow is the opposite, he takes his time, talks slowly, walks slowly, he never rushes.
One day, the two men went to a restaurant, Mr. Fast ordered his food right away before than Mr. Slow takes his decision and he finished eating before than Mr. Slow starts his plate, “I’ll wait you because you are my best friend” said quickly, “I’m fast like a cheetah and you are slowing like a snail, I ‘m just laughing you can take your time”.

Réponse : Mr Fast /and Mr Slow de gerold, postée le 25-06-2024 à 15:43:45 (S | E)

hello, please can you helpe me to correct this story. Thank you very much.

Once upon a time there once were two men, the first called Mr. Fast and the second called Mr. Slow, they are comme vous commencez par "were", les verbes devraient être au passé, sauf lorsque les personnages parlent friends, Mr. Fast is always in a hurry, he talks quickly, walks quickly, takes his decisions quickly, he even eats fast, because in his belief he believed there is no more time to waste, but Mr. Slow is the opposite, he takes his time, talks slowly, walks slowly, he never rushes.
One day, the two men went to a restaurant, Mr. Fast ordered his food right away before than "avant que" c'est "before" seul, "than" ne s'emploie que dans les comparatifs : bigger than ...) Mr. Slow takes his decision and he finished eating before than Mr. Slow starts his plate, “I’ll wait pourquoi le futur ? attendre quelqu'un = to wait for (somebody) you because you are my best friend” said quickly Mr Quick, “I’m fast like a cheetah and you are slowing like a snail, I ‘m I'm just laughing you can take your time”.
Quelque chose doit m'échapper, je ne comprends pas votre histoire.

Réponse : Mr Fast /and Mr Slow de gerondif, postée le 26-06-2024 à 08:59:17 (S | E)
En français, on dit "Non, je rigole" au sens de " je plaisante, ne prends pas ce que je dis au pied de la lettre."
Donc, je pense que vous vouliez dire : I'm joking ! I'm just laughing n'a pas ce sens.

On aurait pu dire aussi : I am as fast as a cheetah and you are as slow as a snail.

Réponse : Mr Fast /and Mr Slow de medmad2000, postée le 26-06-2024 à 19:43:42 (S | E)
Thank you Mr. gerold and Mr. gerondif for your help.
Once upon a time there were two men, the first called Mr. Fast and the second called Mr. Slow, they were friends, Mr. Fast is always in a hurry, he talks quickly, walks quickly, takes his decisions quickly, he even eats fast, because he believed there is no more time to waste, but Mr. Slow is the opposite, he takes his time, talks slowly, walks slowly, he never rushes.
One day, the two men went to a restaurant, Mr. Fast ordered his food right away before Mr. Slow takes his decision and he finished eating before Mr. Slow starts his plate, “I wait you because you are my best friend” said quickly, “I’m as fast as a cheetah and you are as slow as a snail ,I ‘m joking, you can take your time”.

Réponse : Mr Fast /and Mr Slow de medmad2000, postée le 27-06-2024 à 16:04:12 (S | E)
Once upon a time there were two men, the first called Mr. Fast and the second called Mr. Slow, they were friends, Mr. Fast is always in a hurry, he talks quickly, walks quickly, takes his decisions quickly, he even eats fast, because he believed there is no more time to waste, but Mr. Slow is the opposite, he takes his time, talks slowly, walks slowly, he never rushes.
One day, the two men went to a restaurant, Mr. Fast ordered his food right away before Mr. Slow takes his decision and he finished eating before Mr. Slow starts his plate, “I wait you because you are my best friend” said quickly, “I’m as fast as a cheetah and you are as slow as a snail ,I ‘m joking, you can take your time”.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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