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Ppc anglais, urgent s'il vous plait

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Ppc anglais, urgent s'il vous plait
Message de manon52 posté le 06-05-2017 à 10:58:09 (S | E | F)
bonjour, je suis actuellement en Bac scientifique, je passe bientôt mes bacs oraux de langues et j'aurais besoin de votre aide pour me corriger et améliorer ma ppc,c'est vraiment tres important pour moi , il faut que j'essaie d'avoir une bonne note a l'oral pour rattraper l'écrit, je compte sur vous !!!!

Idéa of progress :

I am going to talk about the notion « IDEA OF PROGRESS » which can be defined as an improvement (=amelioration), a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making (= à rendre ) the world a better. Progress implies changes, and some evolution. That is believe that the world can become better.
Every century is affected by the progress like the invention of the wheel ( roue ) or of the electricity. In 21th century, the progress is always present.
So We can ask , India is it a modern country ? / To what India is a changing country ?
First, we are going to see that in India there are a lot of Inequalities between citizens. Then from that (= de celle ) between men and women and finally of the evolution of society.

I / There are more inequality for example in India where there are the caste system who was born more than 3 000 years ago. There are 4 socials classes , the highest catse is Braham and the outcaste is dalits
Today dalits are still persecuted even(= meme) if the caste system is forbidden they are obliged to use specific eating places, school and water sources. There are 170 million dalits in India.

II/ We can see a dual vision of India. On the one hand , the city’s skyscrapers and modern building on Bollywood . and on the other hand , peoples poor somewhere in rival India with woman dressed in a sari indicate that many traditions remain (= reste surtout) especially in rural India where life continues without much change.

III/ We will see inequalities between mans and womans . There are a gendercide in India , This is a genocide of a gender. Where the bride prefer keeping a baby boy to keeping a baby girl since bride’s parents need ( = doivent ) pay a dowry to groom’s parents. A dowry is a presents to pay for the groom’s education. It can be animal or money …

Ccl : To conclude, The word is non-stop ( sans cesse) is evolving but In india there are always a lot of people live on a poor village with hard living conditions, no have running water , no electricity , no education for girls. That is normal ?
we can say that India is a land of contrast, a traditional land but also (= aussi ) a modern country. That is a country which is changing rapidly.
The progress can be good in some case (= dans certain cas ) like In India because the country become a country that change and improve (= s’améliore ) and bad in others because the poor people can’t buy modern technologies and don’t evolved

merci infiniment !!!

Réponse : Ppc anglais, urgent s'il vous plait de laure95, postée le 06-05-2017 à 17:27:07 (S | E)
Idéa (pas d'accent)of progress :
- which contributes to making the world a (enlever a)better.
- That is (to)believe that the world can become better.
- Every century is affected by the (pas de the) progress
- or of the electricity: enlever of et the.
- In (article)21th century
- India is it a modern country ? / To what India is a changing country ?: Is India a modern country?

I / There are more inequality: there are + pluriel.
- there are the caste system (même remarque) who (pas le bon relatif)was born more than 3 000 years ago.
- There are 4 socials (pas de s) classes

II/ peoples (pas de s)poor: ordre des mots
- in rival India: ?
- with woman (mettre au pluriel)dressed in a sari (pluriel) indicate

III/ mans and womans: revoir les pluriels de man et woman.
- There are a gendercide in India
- This is a genocide of a (pas de a)gender.
- Where the bride prefer (faute de conjugaison) keeping a (mettre un possessif à la place de a)baby boy to keeping a baby girl
- since bride’s parents need ( = doivent ) (to)pay a dowry to groom’s parents.
- A dowry is a présents (pas de s) to pay for the groom’s education. It can be (article)animal or money …

Ccl : To conclude, The word is non-stop ( sans cesse) is (enelver is) evolving but In india there are always a lot of people live (mettre au gérondif) on a(pas la bonne préposition) poor village (pluriel)
- no have running water: ordre des mots.
-that is normal ? is that normal?,
- The progress (pas de the) can be good in some case(pluriel) like In India because the country (has)become a country that change and improve (présent en be +-in) and bad in others because the (pas de the) poor people
- and don’t Evolved:mal construit.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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