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Reconnaître / H oral

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Reconnaître / H oral
Message de bbgc posté le 25-04-2013 à 11:38:26 (S | E | F)

I have some problems to detect the "h" in a lot of spoken English sentences.
What can you do for me please?

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2013 12:25

Réponse: Reconnaître / H oral de prescott, postée le 28-04-2013 à 02:52:30 (S | E)

Native French speakers are well known for not saying the h sound at all.

The h sound is a fricative, as th, sh, zh, f, v , s and z sounds. All fricatives have voiced and unvoiced pairs, except the h sound which doesn't have a voiced counterpart.
The h sound is such a small and quiet sound that it is hard to detect through microphones, and it often sounds like a speaker doesn't use the h sound when you listen to the radio, even though native speakers are actually saying the sound.
Anglais facile offers you very good training here: Lien internet

Apart from listening to native speakers, or watching special English Language TV programmes, you can also try to practise in front of a lit candle to detect "Aspirated sounds", Try the five minimal pairs (below) of words that are the same, except there is no h sound at the beginning. The first word has the h sound, the second word has not.
hear, ear
heat, eat
his, is
hitch, itch
hold, old

Good luck!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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