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Correction/first day at school

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/first day at school
Message de xcarine posté le 21-10-2012 à 14:37:41 (S | E | F)

j'aimerais que vous m'aidiez à corriger mes fautes de temps ou autres s'il vous plaît.
d'avance .

My worst day at school was when I was in first year of middle school . It was the first day, I had woken up late but I had still 30 minutes to get ready.
Prepared, I went to school in my car with my parents. I wasn't late. Arrived at college, I knew that the beginning of a very long day. First of all, I knew nobody and I was alone. So, I arrived in classroom, everybody looked me, I became red, it was the shame for me. Shy, I didn't durst speak with the other students. The hours passed and nobody talked with me. After, the bell of the college rang, it was the hour to go at the canteen. So, i went to the canteen, I taked my tray meal and I searched a place to sit. Suddenly, I had slipped on the floor,fortunately nothing was fallen. After eaten, i left the college, as it was the first day I didn't had classes during the afternoon. So I went my home,saying :I never want relive this memories!

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-10-2012 14:40

Réponse: Correction/first day at school de gerondif, postée le 21-10-2012 à 21:46:07 (S | E)
On devine la trame française derrière votre texte comme dans "c'était la honte pour moi" "it was the shame for me"

My worst day at school was when I was in first year of middle school . It was the first day, I had woken up late but I had still 30 minutes to get ready.
Prepared(apposition bizarre en anglais,"prête"?), I went to school in my car with my parents. I wasn't late. Arrived(même chose) at college, I knew that (verbe?)the beginning of a very long day. First of all, I knew nobody and I was alone. So, I arrived in the classroom, everybody looked (manque préposition)me, I became red, it was the shame for me(Trop français). Shy, I didn't durst(mauvais choix de forme du verbe) speak with the other students. The hours passed and nobody talked with me. After that, the bell of the college(université en anglais) rang, it was the hour to go (français traduit)at the canteen. So, i went to the canteen, I taked my tray meal and I searched a place to sit.(français traduit. to search = fouiller) Suddenly, I had slipped on the floor,fortunately nothing was fallen(cassé?). After eaten, i left the college, as it was the first day I didn't had classes during the afternoon. So I went my home,saying :I never want relive this memories!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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