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Sujet sur la violence

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Sujet sur la violence
Message de look-at-hell posté le 05-10-2011 à 18:19:11 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à vous tous,

J'aurais besoin à nouveau de votre aide. J'ai encore dû répondre à une question, mais cette fois-ci portant sur la violence, pourriez-vous me lire et me faire remarquer mes erreurs s'il vous plaît?

Ma question : Do you think violence is a way to solve problems ? Why ? Why not ?

Sometimes, violence is the best manner of succeeding in expressing itself faced with persons who are not able to understand or to want to understand. Violence is an effective way of way of solving problems for some.

For others, Violence is definied as a strong. Violence is present to achieve a desired outcome. Then almost action used to rectify any situation could be construed as violence. even if, in social terms, it is considered non-violent. In fact, they can be violent in different manners that it is verbal, physical. Violence is always ubiquitous even if at the bottom Peace reigns in us.

Violence is never an effective way to solve problems. It would only aggravate the problem. When anger overcomes a person, he tends to be deaf. He listens about nobody but himself. Usually trying to solve one problem with violence will open the door to a lot of other problems. Sometimes violence is a must but not always the "right" thing to do.
My opinion : Peace is not only the desired result - it is the means to its own end. Practice Peace in Daily life. Peace is the way.

Je vous remercie d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-10-2011 19:53


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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