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The Olympiad (correction) (1)

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The Olympiad (correction)

Message de chaachaa posté le 25-09-2008 à 17:54:50 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, pouvez vous me dire si j'ai fais des fautes dans ma rédaction SVP.
Je vous remercie de m'accorder un peu de temps.

Last month in 2008 the olympique games were held in Beijing the capital of the China, This event has provoke two opinions diferents on its games. These opinion are divided between persons who there are against and persons for the olympiad in beijing. ( les personne pour les jeux olympique a beijing) .
The Olympiad allowed China to open on the world, and made past a good image of their country by media, in effect the China is a dictatorship by contrast Olympiad represent freedom and equality. For example in China there are no freedom of press and the list of the criticism makes has China is long! The Chinese built a magnificent stadium it's a positive point nevertheless the government destroyed poor housing to built his stadium and the workers were exploited. To the Olympiad the China stopped the factories and traffic to reduce the pollution though (malgré tout) Beijing remains a very polluted city and the pollution is bad for the athletes. The Chinese can be proud of them since (puisque) finished at the top ranked however Chinese athlete start training too young, it is imposed in the Chinese family. The olympique games contribute to improve the economy of the country thanks to tourists.

This years the Olympiad took place in Beijing capital of China, but where will unwind the olympique games 2012?

Modifié par bridg le 25-09-2008 17:57
Merci aux membres qui ont le gentillesse de répondre, de simplement signaler les erreurs, et de permettre au membre demandeur de s'auto corriger.

Réponse: The Olympiad (correction) de laure95, postée le 25-09-2008 à 18:36:50 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
- the China: jamais d'article devant les noms de pays (sauf USA).
- has provoke: present perfect: HAVE + PARTICIPE PASSE DU VERBE.
- two opinions diferents: jamais de "s" aux adjectifs + adjectif devant le nom. -
- opinion: verbe au pluriel - sujet au pluriel
- there?
- to open: ajouter un pronom réfléchi.
- in effect: in fact.
- the China
- there are: obligatoirement suivi d'un nom au pluriel.
- the list of the criticism makes has China?
- to built: built:forme de preterit.
- his? (il appartient à qui le stade?)
- finished: il manque le sujet.
- This years



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