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Rack Your brains and Help/ 31

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Rack Your brains and Help/ 31
Message de here4u posté le 28-09-2018 à 22:19:59 (S | E | F)

(J'ai pu lire et relire ces données avec grand soin ...) C'est bon ! Vous pouvez vous mettre à vos recherches ...

Oh là là ... malgré des efforts, et à cause d'un texte un peu long, il reste "quelques" fautes dans ce qu'a écrit mon élève.(Je vous dirai le nombre demain). Il a vraiment besoin de renfort ... Pourrez-vous l'aider un peu ... ou beaucoup ? J'en suis certaine ... Merci d'avance !
Ce devoir est un Sa solution sera postée au milieu du mois, comme toujours, le Samedi 13 octobre ...Tard !

I)PLEAEAEAEAEAEAEAse?????? Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Comme la plupart des RYBs précédents, ce texte s'inspire (mais ne copie pas ...) (d')un ou plusieurs textes de la presse écrite ou orale. Il a été, comme toujours raccourci, remanié, interprété, simplifié, allégé ... pour vous le rendre plus digeste.
Il n'y a aucun intérêt à rechercher le ou les extraits originels et originaux. Le seul intérêt est de le saisir "à bras le texte" , et de vous "battre" avec ... Go for it! C'est en faisant ceci que vous pouvez travailler vraiment, et donc, je l'espère, progresser.
Comme toujours, you have THE FORCE!

While there are evidences that man's relationship with wolves started 400,000 years ago, man's domestication of dogs coincides with the evolution of early breeds of dogs about 150,000 years ago.
The first special relationship between a dog and a blind person is lost in the midths of time, but the earlier recorded example is depicted in a first-century CB mural in the burried ruins of Roman Herculaneum. There are other records up to the Middle Ages, of dogs leading blind men.
However, the first systematic attempt to train dogs to aid blind people came around 1780 at 'Les Quinze-Vingts' hospital for the blinds in Paris.
The modern guide dog story begins during the WW1, with thousands soldiers returning from the Front blinded, often by poison gas.
A wealthy American woman, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, was already training dog. Her energy and expertise launched the guide dog movement internationally.
The success of the United States experiment encouraged Eustis to set up a dog school at Vevey in Switzerland in 1928. She called this school, as the one in New Jersey, 'L'Oeil qui Voit', or The Seen Eye.
Since then, guide dog schools have opened all round the world, and more open their doors every decades. Thousands people have had their lives transformed by guide dogs, thanks to the organisations that provide them. The committment of the people who work for these organisations, and the people who financially support them, is as deeper today as it ever was. A heir of Dorothy Eustis's legacy continues to work for the increased mobility, dignity and independence of blind and partially-sighted people the world over. The movement goes on.

II) Find the « scrambled words »… J'ai bien peur que deux phrases soient suffisantes pour cette fois ... (Pas facile, ... Désolée ... Aidez-vous du contexte minimal ...)

1) Dogs are far more than excellent mobility aids: they provide PHNIAMCOPNOSI as well as ENHENAC , ENDFOCNIEC and independence.
2) They refuse SNMOCMAD that may lead the RTUTSNISRCO into danger, for example if they order them to walk ONIT a EOHL;

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Ce sera dorénavant UNE SEULE RECHERCHE .... Maxwell.
A partir de l'expression française suivante : «s'abattre», trouver au moins trois traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens. Ces trois expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent. Travaillez bien! Bon courage

Of course ... THE FORCE is with You ...

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de abderrahmaneait, postée le 29-09-2018 à 19:24:32 (S | E)
Good evening,

1)Dogs are far more than excellent mobility aids: they provide companionship as well as (couldn't find it), confidence and independence.
2)They refuse commands that may lead the instroctors into danger, for example if they order them to walk into a hole.
Thank you

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de maxwell, postée le 29-09-2018 à 21:04:48 (S | E)
Petite question : dans la phrase II)1), y a-t-il vraiment une virgule après ENHENAC ?

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de chocolatcitron, postée le 30-09-2018 à 18:38:56 (S | E)
Rack Your brains/ 31 de Here4u posté le 28-09-2018 à 22:19:59 (S | E | F)
Sa solution sera postée le Samedi 13 octobre ...Tard !
Hello my dear Here4u and Maxwell ! Thanks for your great exercises ! I DO love them !
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! FINISHED.
Here is my little help, or perhaps my great one?
While there 1) IS 2) EVIDENCE that man's relationship with wolves started 400,000 years ago, man's domestication of dogs coincides with the evolution of early breeds of dogs about 150,000 years ago.
The first special relationship between a dog and a blind person is lost in the 3) MISTS of time, but the 4) EARLIEST recorded example is depicted in a first-century 5) AD mural in the 6) BURIED ruins of Roman Herculaneum. There are other records up to the Middle Ages, of dogs leading blind men.
However, the first systematic attempt to train dogs to aid blind people came around 1780 at 'Les Quinze-Vingts' hospital for the 7) BLIND in Paris.
The modern guide dog story begins during the WW1, with thousands 8) OF soldiers returning from the Front blinded, often by poison gas.
A wealthy American woman, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, was already training dog. Her energy and expertise launched the guide dog movement internationally.
The success of the United States experiment encouraged Eustis to set up a dog school at Vevey in Switzerland in 1928. She called this school, 9) LIKE the one in New Jersey,'L'Oeil qui Voit', or The 10) SEEING Eye.
Since then, guide dog schools have opened all round the world, and more open their doors every 11) DECADE. Thousands (8 bis) OF people have had their lives transformed by guide dogs, thanks to the organisations that provide them. The 12 ) COMMITMENT of the people who work for these organisations, and the people who financially support them, is as 13) DEEP today as it ever was. A heir of Dorothy Eustis's legacy continues to work for the increased mobility, dignity and independence of blind and partially-sighted people the world over. The movement goes on.

Euh, 14 erreurs dont une double.
1) ; 11) singular.
2) ; 7) plural noun uncountable.
3) RYB 26.
4) superlatif.
5) (BC = avant ; AD = après)
6) ; 12) (orthographe).
8) ; 8 bis) OF
experiment (oui, si test scientifique, sinon experience pour l'expérience de vie… )
9) LIKE (= comparaison entre deux choses pas des phrases.
10) actif !
13) DEEP (as + adj + as)

II) Find the « scrambled words »… J'ai bien peur que deux phrases soient suffisantes pour cette fois …
1) Dogs are far more than excellent mobility aids: they provide PHNIAMCOPNOSI COMPANIONSHIP as well as ENHENAC ENHANCE (améliorer, augmenter de volume de, mettre en valeur, rehausser) , ENDFOCNIEC CONFIDENCE and independence.

2) They refuse SNMOCMAD COMMANDS (ordres, commandements) that may lead the RTUTSNISRCO INSTRUCTORS (moniteur, éducateur, donc dresseur) into danger, for example if they order them to walk ONIT a EOHL INTO A HOLE.
(Facilement trouvé sauf ton premier mot auquel il manquait PH... dans ton premier jet, mais j'avais déjà l'intuition du mot.)

III)ANOTHER TORTURE… de Maxwell. Cette fois-ci : "s'abattre"...
s'abattre⇒ v pron (tomber, s'effondrer) fall down, collapse⇒ vi
s'abattre v pron (intempérie : tomber) strike⇒ vtr(storm, rain, hail), lash⇒, pelt⇒ vtr (rain, hail) pelt down, pour down, come pelting down, come pouring down.
s'abattre sur[avion, arbre]to crash down on, to come crashing down on;
[mur] to collapse on, to come tumbling down on;
[pluie] to beat down on; lash down = tomber /pleuvoir des cordes,
[orage, foudre] to strike;
[coups, injures, bombes] to rain down on;
[malheurs, cataclysme] to strike, to descend upon
overtake stg/sb : submerger, s'abattre sur...

Here are my sentences:
1) This tree CAME CRASHING DOWN ON the roof of my neighbour's cottage after storming, I have to inform his owner as quickly as possible for his house insurance.
Cet arbre s'est abattu sur le toit du pavillon de mon voisin, après la tempête, je dois avertir son propriétaire, le plus vite possible pour son assurance habitation.

2) I DO love seeing and listening the rain LASHING DOWN for hours ! It really calms me down !!!
J'adore vraiment voir et entendre pleuvoir des cordes durant des heures ! Cela me calme réellement !!!

3) Everybody still remembers how the Japanese, and the whole inhabitants in this part of the world, were STRICKEN on 2011, March, 11th, and during the following days, because of the nuclear power station of Fukushima, the most powerful earthquakes and the terrible tsunami which crossed and devastated every life around these oceans (Pacific and Indian)!
Tout le monde se souvient encore comment les Japonais et les habitants de cette partie du monde, ont été terrassés/abattus le 11 mars 2011 et tous les jours suivants, à cause de la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima, les tremblements de terre les plus forts, et le terrible tsunami qui a traversé et dévasté toute vie autour de ces océans (Pacifique et Indien) !

Here is the force just for your marking, good luck for sending back our forum too!
Have a great but very sweet week... Everybody !
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de taiji43, postée le 01-10-2018 à 18:37:37 (S | E)
Hello Dear Here4U
I have begun my try with the correction. It is really a useful exercise in order to progress.

While (there are evidences) there IS EVIDENCE (singulier) that man's relationship with wolves started 400,000 years ago, man's domestication of dogs coincides with the evolution of early breeds of dogs about 150,000 years ago
The first special relationship between dog and blind person is lost in the (midths of time (mileu des temps = MIDST of time, but the (earlier) EARLIEST (superlative) recorded example is depicted in a first-century (CB)-AD mural in the (buried ruins( of) (Roman)( Herculaneum)

in the HERCULANEUM’S ROMAN BURIED RUINS. There are other records up to the Middle Ages, of dogs leading blind men.

However, the first systematic attempt to train dogs to aid blind people came around 1780 at 'Les Quinze-Vingts' hospital for the (blinds) BLIND in Paris.

The modern guide dog story (begins) HAS BEGUN (action qui se continue dans le présent)( during the WW1, with thousands soldiers returning from the Front blinded, often by poison gas.

A wealthy American woman, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, was already training (dog) DOGS. Her energy and expertise launched the guide dog movement internationally.

The success of the United States experiment encouraged Eustis to set up a dog school at Vevey in Switzerland in 1928. She called this school, (as) LIKE the one in New Jersey, 'L'Oeil qui Voit', or The (Seen) SEING Eye.

Since then, guide dog schools have opened all round the world, and more open their doors every (decades) DECADE.(singulier après every)

Thousands OF people have had their lives transformed by guide dogs, thanks to the organisations that (provide) PROVIDED them.WITH

The (commitment) COMITMENT of the people who work for these organisations, and the people who (financially) support them FINANCIALLY, is as (deeper) DEEP today as it ever was.

A heir of Dorothy Eustis's legacy continues to work for the increased mobility, dignity and independence of blind and partially-sighted people ALL OVER THE WORLD. The movement goes on.

II) Find the « scrambled words


1) Dogs are far more than excellent mobility aids: they provide COMPANIONSHIP as well as ENHANCE CONFIDENCE and independence.

2) They refuse COMMANDS that may lead the INSTRUCTORS into danger, for example if they order them to walk INTO A HOLE.???

1) s’effondrer avec fracas
Pendant la typhon le toit arraché par la tornade, s’abattit avec fracas sur le sol sans écraser la voiture qui fuyait vers des zones moins périlleuses
During typhoon the roof swept along by the tornado, CRASH DOWN on the ground without crushing the car which ran away towards less precarious zones

2).Fondre sur

En Afrique australe dans la savane la lionne cachée derrière le bush s’abattit sur la jeune gazelle en train de brouter
In African Australia on the savannah the lioness hidden behind the bush scooped down on the young gazelle grazing

3) Piller s’abattre sens figuré
A peine le tremblement terre terminé, de force 7 sur l’échelle de Richter, que quelques individus louches s’abattirent sur les magasins éventrés pour s’emparer de denrées, d’objets utiles et précieux
Hardly the magnitude 7 earthquake had been brought to a standstill than a few shabby characters plundered the ripped open stores to seize foodstuffs ,useful and precious objects

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de tereda, postée le 05-10-2018 à 14:19:10 (S | E)
hello dear all, I hope you have the same sunny weather as here.
This is my try, ready to be corrected.

I)Please, help my student!
While there IS EVIDENCE that man's relationship with wolves started 400,000 years ago, man's domestication of dogs coincides with the evolution of early breeds of dogs about 150,000 years ago.
The first special relationship between a dog and a blind person is lost in the midths MIST of time, but the EARLIEST recorded example is depicted in a first-century "CB" ? mural in the BURIED ruins of Roman Herculaneum. There are other records up to the Middle AGE, of dogs leading blind men.
However, the first systematic attempt to train dogs to aid blind people came around 1780 at 'Les Quinze-Vingts' hospital for the BLIND in Paris.
The modern guide dog story BEGAN during the WW1, with thousands OF soldiers returning from the Front , blinded, often by poison gas.
A wealthy American woman, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, was already training DOGS. Her energy and expertise launched the guide dog movement internationally. The success of the United States experiment encouraged Eustis to set up a dog school at Vevey in Switzerland in 1928. She called this school, LIKE the one in New Jersey, 'L'Oeil qui Voit', or The SeInG Eye.

Since then, guide dog schools have opened all Around the world, and more open their doors every DECADE. THOUSAND people have had their lives transformed by guide dogs, thanks to the organisations that provide them. The commitment of the people who work for these organisations, and the people who financially support them, is as DEEP today as it ever was. A heir of Dorothy Eustis's legacy continues to work for the increased mobility, dignity and independence of blind and partially-sighted people IN the world over. The movement goes on.

Bien qu'il existe des preuves que la relation de l'homme avec les loups a commencé il y a 400 000 ans, la domestication des chiens par l'homme coïncide avec l'évolution des premières races de chiens il y a environ 150 000 ans.

La première relation spéciale entre un chien et un aveugle s'est perdue dans la nuit des temps, mais l'exemple le plus ancien est représenté dans une peinture murale "CB" du Ier siècle dans les ruines ROMAINES de Herculanum. Il existe d'autres témoignages jusqu'au Moyen Âge, de chiens conduisant des hommes aveugles.

Cependant, la première tentative systématique de dresser des chiens pour aider les aveugles a eu lieu vers 1780 à l'hôpital pour aveugles "Les Quinze-Vingts" à Paris.
L'histoire moderne du chien-guide a commencé pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, avec des milliers de soldats revenant du front, aveuglés souvent par les gaz toxiques.

Une riche Américaine, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, dressait déjà des chiens. Son énergie et son expertise ont lancé le mouvement des chiens-guides à l'échelle internationale. Le succès de l'expérience américaine incite Eustis à fonder une école canine à Vevey en Suisse en 1928. Elle a appelé cette école, comme celle du New Jersey, "L'Oeil qui Voit", ou The Seen Eye.

Depuis, les écoles de chiens-guides ont ouvert leurs portes partout dans le monde, et de plus en plus d'écoles ouvrent leurs portes à chaque décennie. Des milliers de personnes ont vu leur vie transformée par les chiens-guides, grâce aux organisations qui les fournissent. L'engagement des personnes qui travaillent pour ces organisations, et des personnes qui les soutiennent financièrement, est aussi profond aujourd'hui qu'il l'a toujours été. Une héritière du leg de Dorothy Eustis continue d'œuvrer pour une mobilité, une dignité et une indépendance accrues des personnes aveugles et malvoyantes dans le monde entier. Le mouvement se poursuit aujourd'hui.


II) Find the « scrambled words »…

1) Dogs are far more than excellent mobility aids: they provide PHNIAMCOPNOSI as well as ENHENAC , ENDFOCNIEC and independence.
Dogs are far more than excellent mobility aids: they provide companionship as well as enhance, confidence and independence.

2) They refuse SNMOCMAD that may lead the RTUTSNISRCO into danger, for example if they order them to walk ONIT a EOHL;
They refuse COMMANDS that may lead the INSTRUCTORs into danger, for example if they order them to walk INTO A HOLE;

1. tomber - s'effondrer to fall down -
This oak fell down after being struck by lightning.
2. Intempérie - pelt down - pour down -( phrasal verb )-
A storm has just pelt down in Marseille
3. sens figuré : apparaître - - descend upon
Bad luck seems to have descende upon their household.
4. fondre sur - to swoop on (sth)
The buzzard swooped swiftly on the vole.

Thank you both for these exercises, I've really needed rack my brains for number two, and I am not sure of the result.

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de alpiem, postée le 05-10-2018 à 15:06:04 (S | E)
hello, here is my rack N° 31 which is FINISHED

While there are evidences that man's relationship with wolves started 400,000 years ago, man's domestication of dogs coincides with the evolution of early breeds of dogs about 150,000 years ago.
The first special relationship between a dog and a blind person is lost in the mists of time, but the earliest recorded example is depicted in a first-century CB mural in the burried ruins of Roman Herculaneum. There are other records up to the Middle Ages, of dogs leading blind men.
However, the first systematic attempt to train dogs to aid blind people came around 1780 at 'Les Quinze-Vingts' hospital for the blinds in Paris.
The modern guide dog story begins during the WW1, with thousands of soldiers returning from the Front blinded, often by poison gas.
A wealthy American woman, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, was already training dogs. Her energy and expertise launched the guide dog movement internationally.
The success of the United States experiment encouraged Eustis to set up a dog school at Vevey in Switzerland in 1928. She called this school, after the one in New Jersey, 'L'Oeil qui Voit', or The Seing Eye.
Since then, guide dog schools have opened all around the world, and many more open their doors every decades. Thousands of people have had their lives transformed by guide dogs, thanks to the organisations that provide for them. The committment of the people who work for these organisations, and of the people who financially support them, is as deep today as it ever was. A heir of Dorothy Eustis's legacy continues to work for the increasing mobility, dignity and independence of blind and partially-sighted people the world over. The movement goes on.=13

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de here4u, postée le 05-10-2018 à 22:49:46 (S | E)
Hello !

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de maxwell, postée le 29-09-2018 à 21:04:48 (S | E)
Petite question : dans la phrase II)1), y a-t-il vraiment une virgule après ENHENAC ?

Non, désolée ... Il n'y a pas de virgule ...

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de magie8, postée le 06-10-2018 à 17:58:58 (S | E)
hello bonjour à tous
ready to correct

While there IS EVIDENCE that man's relationship with wolves started 400,000 years ago, man's domestication of dogs coincides with the evolution of early breeds of dogs about 150,000 years ago.
The first special relationship between a dog and a blind person is lost in the MISTS of time, but the EARLIEST recorded example is depicted in a first-century AD mural in the BURIED ruins of Roman Herculaneum. There are other records up to the Middle Ages, of dogs leading blind men.
However, the first systematic attempt to train dogs to aid blind people came around 1780 at 'Les Quinze-Vingts' hospital for the BLIND in Paris
The modern guide dog story BEGAN during the WW1, with thousands OF soldiers returning from the Front blinded, often by poison gas.
A wealthy American woman, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, was already training DOGS. Her energy and expertise launched the guide dog movement internationally.
The success of the United States experiment encouraged Eustis to set up a dog school at Vevey in Switzerland in 1928. She called this school, LIKE the one in New Jersey, 'L'Oeil qui Voit', or The SEEING Eye.
Since then, guide dog schools have opened all AROUND the world, and more AND MORE open their doors every DECADE. Thousands OF people have had their lives transformed by guide dogs, thanks to the organisations that provide them. The COMMITMENT of the people who work for these organisations, and the people who financially support them, is as DEEP today as it ever was. A heir of Dorothy Eustis's legacy continues WORKING TO INCREASE THE mobility, dignity and independence of blind and partially-sighted people ALL OVER the world . The movement goes on.

1)THE hailstones big like golf balls BEAT DOWN ON the car-body that was banged up in few minutes
les grêlons gros comme des balles de golf s'abattirent sur la carrosserie de la voiture qui fut défoncée en quelques minutes

2) The plane having its two damaged engines CAME CRASHING DOWN ON the soccer field
L'avion ayant ses deux moteurs endommagés vint s'abattre sur le terrain de football .

3)Because of a landslide the wall of the house TUMBLED DOWN like a castle of cards
A cause d un glissement de terrain ; le mur de la maison s'abattit comme un château de cartes

Modifié par magie8 le 09-10-2018 20:07

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de joe39, postée le 08-10-2018 à 11:21:29 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
Here is my try,
Ready to be corrected

Please, help my student! He really needs you!
While there IS EVIDENCE that man's relationship with wolves started 400,000 years ago, man's domestication of dogs coincides with the evolution of early breeds of dogs about 150,000 years ago.
The first special relationship between a dog and a blind person is lost in the midths/MISTS of time, but the EARLIEST recorded example is depicted in a first-century AD (Anno Domini) mural in the burried/BURIED ruins of Roman Herculaneum. There are other records up to the Middle Ages, of dogs leading blind men.
However, the first systematic attempt to train dogs to aid blind people came around 1780 at “ Les Quinze-Vingts” hospital for the BLIND in Paris.
The modern guide dog story begins during the WW1, with thousands OF soldiers returning from the Front blinded, often by poison gas.
A wealthy American woman, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, was already training dog. Her energy and expertise launched the guide dog movement internationally.
The success of the United States experiment encouraged Eustis to set up a dog school at Vevey in Switzerland in 1928. She called this school, LIKE the one in New Jersey, 'L'Oeil qui Voit', or The SEEING Eye.
Since then, guide dog schools have opened all round/OVER the world, and more open their doors every DECADE. Thousands OF people have had their lives transformed by guide dogs, thanks to the organisations (but ORGANIZATIONS in American English) that/WHICH provide WITH them. The committment/COMMITMENT of the people who work for these organisations, (but ORGANIZATIONS in American English )and the NUMBER OF people who financially support them, is /as deeper/BIGGER today THAN it HAS ever BEEN. A heir of Dorothy Eustis's legacy continues to work/WORKING TO increased/INCREASE mobility, dignity and independence of blind and partially-sighted people ALL the world over. The movement goes on.

I) Find the « scrambled words 1) Dogs are far more than excellent mobility aids: they provide PHNIAMCOPNOSI/COMPANIONSHIP as well as ENHENAC/ENHANCE , ENDFOCNIEC/CONFIDENCE and independence.

2) They refuse SNMOCMAD/COMMANDS that may lead the RTUTSNISRCO/INSTRUCTORS into danger, for example if they order them to walk ONIT a EOHL / INTO A HOLE;

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Ce sera dorénavant UNE SEULE RECHERCHE
A partir de l'expression française suivante : «s'abattre», trouver au moins trois traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser
1) The challenger boxer was forced to fight on the defensive by the superior skill and power of the champion in charge who, after forcing him clinched at the corner, was able to strike a winning blow, making the adversary KNOCKED DOWN.

2) The storm of bad news,
BLEW OVER, my dear,
Leaving a a lot of debris,
Like a carpet of dead leaves,
Which we're now to sweep away,
Making our way,
To live serenely our dreams,

3) Battle of Tsushima Strait, May 27-28,1905: the Japanese fleet, under Admiral Togo Heihachiro BORE DOWN in column upon the Russian Baltic fleet, under Admiral Petrovic Rosestvenskij, crossing twice the “T”. The Russian fleet of 38 ships was destroyed suffering the loss of 21 ships sunk, 7 ship captured and 7 disarmed.

The work was hard and I thank you very much, dear friend , for the force you gave me, hoping I have been up to it.
Have a great week.
So long

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de here4u, postée le 09-10-2018 à 18:33:05 (S | E)
Hello !

Encore beaucoup de temps pour poster, mais je vais tout de même commencer à transférer les corrections individuelles ... pas le "rendement" habituel de mon côté. Continuez à bien travailler !

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de icare29, postée le 10-10-2018 à 11:21:56 (S | E)
Hello Here4u , here is my work OK FOR CORRECTION.

ALTHOUGH there IS EVIDENCE that man's relationship with wolves started 400,000 years ago, man's domestication of dogs coincides with the evolution of early breeds of dogs about 150,000 years ago.

The first special relationship between a dog and a blind person is lost in the MIST of time, but the EARLIEST recorded example is depicted in a first-century AD mural in the BURIED ruins of Roman Herculaneum. There are other records up to the MIDDLE AGES, of dogs leading blind men.

However, the first systematic attempt to train dogs to aid blind people came around 1780 at 'Les Quinze-Vingts' hospital for the BLIND in Paris.

The modern guide dog story HAS BEGUN during the WW1, with thousands soldiers returning from the Front blinded, often by POISONOUS GAS.

A wealthy American woman, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, HAD ALREADY TRAINED DOGS . Her energy and expertise HAD LAUNCHED the guide dog movement internationally.

The success of the United States EXPERIENCE encouraged Eustis to set up a dog school at Vevey in Switzerland in 1928. She called this school, LIKE the one in New Jersey, 'L'Oeil qui Voit', or "The SEING Eye".

Since then, guide dog schools HAVE BEEN OPENED all AROUND the world, and HAVE MORE OPENED their doors every DECADE. Thousands OF people have had their lives transformed by guide dogs, thanks to the organisations that HAVE PROVIDED them.

The COMMITMENT of the people who work for these organisations, and the people who financially support them, is TODAY DEEPER THAN it NEVER WAS . A heir of Dorothy Eustis's legacy continues to work for INCREASING mobility, dignity and independence of THE blind and partially-sighted people ALL OVER THE WORLD . The movement goes on.

A partir de l'expression française suivante : s'abattre, trouver au moins trois traductions anglaises
to fall down s'écrouler , tomber --- to collapse s'effrondrer ---to swoop down on .foncer sur
After the torrential rains the house collapsed and was carried away by the huge waves..
the woodmen cut the trunk of the trees which fell down with a crash on the ground
the eagle swooped down on the small rabbit and carried it into the air.
Dear Here4u , thank you very much for your new interesting but tricky exercise and may the force be with you to correct my mistakes .......

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de maxwell, postée le 12-10-2018 à 07:20:40 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Sorry to be so late (I had a few problems with my box and I've lost some precious time...)
Thanks a lot for your exercises I always learn many things practising!

I) Please, help my student!

While there are PIECES OF EVIDENCE that man's relationship with wolves started 400,000 years ago, man's domestication of dogs coincides with the evolution of early breeds of dogs about 150,000 years ago.
The first special relationship between a dog and a blind person is lost in the MIDST of time, but the earlier recorded example is depicted in a first-century [B.C.] mural in the BURIED ruins of Roman Herculaneum. There are other records up to the Middle Ages, of dogs leading blind men.
However, the first systematic attempt to train dogs to aid blind people came around 1780 at 'Les Quinze-Vingts' hospital for the BLIND in Paris.
The modern guide dog story begins during the(*) WW1, with thousands soldiers returning from the Front blinded, often by poison gas.
A wealthy American woman, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, was already training DOGS. Her energy and expertise launched the guide dog movement internationally.
The success of the United States experiment encouraged Eustis to set up a dog school at Vevey in Switzerland in 1928. She called this school, LIKE the one in New Jersey, 'L'Oeil qui Voit', or The SEEING Eye.
Since then, guide dog schools have opened all AROUND the world, and more AND MORE ARE OPENING their doors every DECADE. Thousands (**) people have had their lives transformed by guide dogs, thanks to the organisations that provide them. The COMMITMENT of the people who work for these organisations, and the people who financially support them, is as DEEP today as it ever was. A heir of Dorothy Eustis's legacy continues to work for the increased mobility, dignity and independence of blind and partially-sighted people ALL OVER the world. The movement goes on.
(*) j'ai hésité à enlever "the" mais je crois que les 2 sont bons.
(**) j'ai hésité à rajouter "of" mais je crois que les 2 sont bons.

II) Find the « scrambled words »

1) Dogs are far more than excellent mobility aids: they provide COMPANIONSHIP as well as ENHANCE CONFIDENCE and independence.
2) They refuse COMMANDS that may lead the INSTRUCTORS into danger, for example if they order them to walk INTO a HOLE;


1) s'effondrer, s'affaisser, s'affaler, s'écrouler, s'écraser, s'étaler (mur, pont, avion, arbre...) : FALL DOWN, CRASH DOWN, COLLAPSE, COME CRASHING/FALLING/TUMBLING (DOWN) ON(TO)
=>Just a few seconds after its takeoff, the plane CAME CRASHING DOWN, causing trees to FALL DOWN on cars and a wall to COLLAPSE on passers-by.

2) tomber brutalement (intempéries (pluie, grêle, orage, foudre), coups, bombes) : STRIKE, LASH (DOWN), PELT (DOWN), POUR DOWN, COME PELTING/POURING DOWN, FALL DOWN, BEAT DOWN, COME DOWN, RAIN DOWN, BATTER
=> Yesterday, rain CAME POURING DOWN on us exactly when we got off the train; earlier this morning, a thunderstorm STRUCK our city and the hail BEAT DOWN and covered our garden with hailstones as big as golf balls. Now what?

3) s'abattre SUR un être (humain ou animal) : se précipiter sur un être avec force et hostilité, fondre sur lui (s'abattre sur sa proie) : SWOOP (DOWN) ON
=> Suddenly, like an eagle SWOOPING DOWN on its prey, the teacher SWOOPED DOWN ON the student, ripped his cheat sheet off his hand and gave him a deserved "F".

1) s'abattre sur qqn : survenir brusquement en général en provoquant un dommage (malheur, cataclysme, grand froid), apparaître : DESCEND (UP)ON, STRIKE, OVERTAKE
=>Swarms of locusts DESCENDED ON the fields and devoured all the crops, and since troubles never come singly, a severe food shortage STRUCK the country resulting in hunger diseases increasing mortality.

2) Pleuvoir (injures, critiques, notes de musique...) : RAIN DOWN, BEAT DOWN, HAIL DOWN
=> Shame on them! What they did wasn't done and slanders RAINED DOWN on them as soon as their infamy became known.

3) s'apaiser, se calmer (vent, colère...) : ABATE
=> They were waiting for the intensity of the wind to ABATE in order to embark and sail away.

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de here4u, postée le 13-10-2018 à 09:34:00 (S | E)
Hello, Dears!

Toutes les corrections et remarques ont été postées. Si vous n'avez pas reçu la vôtre, merci de protester rapidement en mp.
A très vite pour la correction collective et les commentaires.

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de here4u, postée le 13-10-2018 à 23:57:07 (S | E)
Hello, Dear hardworking Friends!
Bien entendu, j'ai besoin de volontaires .... (deux pour le texte, et un(e) pour les "scrambled letters" + les deux expressions de la note 11.) Merci à vous, volontaires, et à tous ceux qui ont donné de leur temps pour rendre ce travail ! Bravo à tous pour ces excellentes recherches effectuées.

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!

While there is evidence (1) that man's relationship with wolves started 400,000 years ago, man's domestication of dogs coincides with the evolution of early breeds of dogs about 150,000 years ago.
The first special relationship between a dog and a blind person is lost in the mists of time (2), but the earliest recorded example(3) is depicted in a first-century AD mural (4) in the buried (5) ruins of Roman Herculaneum. There are other records up to the Middle Ages, of dogs leading blind men.
However, the first systematic attempt to train dogs to aid blind people came around 1780 at 'Les Quinze-Vingts' hospital for the blind (6) in Paris.
The modern guide dog story, however, begins during WW1 (7), with thousands of soldiers (8) returning from the Front blinded, often by poison gas.
A wealthy American woman, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, was already training dogs.(9) Her energy and expertise properly launched the guide dog movement internationally.
The success of the United States experience (10) encouraged Eustis to set up a dog school at Vevey in Switzerland in 1928. She called this school, like the one in New Jersey, 'L'Oeil qui Voit', or The Seeing Eye (11).
Since then, guide dog schools have opened (12) all round the world, and more open their doors every decade(13). Thousands of people (8) have had their lives transformed by guide dogs, thanks to the organisations that provide them. The commitment (*) of the people who work for these organisations, and the people who financially support them, is as deep today as ever. An heir of Dorothy Eustis's legacy (14) continues to work for the increased mobility, dignity and independence of blind and partially-sighted people (15) the world over. The movement goes on.

(1) « there is evidence »= evidence (Faux ami !) est indénombrable singulier. - The evidence is clear and shows that the suspect is not guilty.
(2) Lost in the mists of time : Là, ceux qui n’avaient pas retenu l’expression déjà donnée sur un RYB précédent m’ont attristée !
(3) « the earliest example » = un superlatif nécessaire puisqu’il n’y en a qu’un : c’est  « le plus .... «  et la comparaison est faite entre plus de deux éléments.
(4) « the first century CB » était une ruse indigne … = vous aviez le choix – mais l’histoire vous guidait … entre « first century Before Christ // Anno Domini.)
(5) « to bury => buried » une seul R (erreur rencontrée souvent …)
(6) « les aveugles » = adjectif substantivé (transformé en nom) ils ne prennent pas de pluriel sauf …. Leçon N°104659
(7) Attention ! la première guerre mondiale = WW1= "World War One""OU "the First World War".
(8) Thousands of soldiers : mais two thousand soldiers. Leçon N°106393
(9) Ne pas oublier le –S à « dog »= les chiens en général.
(10) Revoir la différence entre « experiment » et « experience ». Leçon N° 114191
(11) The Seeing Eye = a un sens actif … alors que « the Seen Eye » avait un sens passif ******** Merci de traduire ces expressions, please, les volontaires …
(12) Il s’agit bien du bilan d’une action qui demandait un present perfect. => « have opened ». Leçon N° 109163
(13) every decade : déjà donné également ... Every + singulier. Leçon N°111782
* Attention à l’orthographe : commitment
(14) « an heir » attention, le H ici n’est pas aspiré => an heir/ an hour/ an honour/ an honourable man/
(15) Pas de « The » devant « blind » ici, puisque l’on parlait des "blind (people) and partially-sighted people" en général, ceux de « the whole world" et pas des gens particuliers déjà mentionnés» ;

II) Find the « scrambled words »…
1) Dogs are far more than excellent mobility aids: they provide COMPANIONSHIP as well as ENHANCE CONFIDENCE and independence.

2) They refuse COMMANDS that may lead the INSTRUCTORS into danger, for example if they order them to walk INTO a HOLE;

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) : «s'abattre»,

1) s'effondrer, s'affaisser, s'affaler, s'écrouler, s'écraser, s'étaler (mur, pont, avion, arbre...) : FALL DOWN, CRASH DOWN, COLLAPSE, COME CRASHING/FALLING/TUMBLING (DOWN) ON(TO)
=>Just a few seconds after its takeoff, the plane CRASHED DOWN, causing trees to FALL DOWN on cars and a wall to COLLAPSE on passers-by.

2) tomber brutalement (intempéries (pluie, grêle, orage, foudre), coups, bombes) : STRIKE, LASH (DOWN), PELT (DOWN), POUR DOWN, COME PELTING/POURING DOWN, FALL DOWN, BEAT DOWN, COME DOWN, RAIN DOWN, BATTER
=> Yesterday, rain CAME POURING DOWN on us just when we were getting off the train; earlier this morning, a thunderstorm STRUCK our city and the hail BEAT DOWN and covered our garden with hailstones as big as golf balls. Now what?

3) s'abattre SUR un être (humain ou animal) : se précipiter sur un être avec force et hostilité, fondre sur lui (s'abattre sur sa proie) : SWOOP (DOWN) ON
=> Suddenly, like an eagle SWOOPING DOWN on its prey, the teacher SWOOPED DOWN ON the student, ripped his cheat note off his hand and gave him a well deserved "F".

1) s'abattre sur qqn : survenir brusquement en général en provoquant un dommage (malheur, cataclysme, grand froid), apparaître : DESCEND (UP)ON, STRIKE, OVERTAKE
=>Swarms of locusts DESCENDED ON the fields and devoured all the crops, and since it never rains but it pours, a severe food shortage STRUCK the country resulting in hunger diseases increasing mortality.

2) Pleuvoir (injures, critiques, notes de musique...) : RAIN DOWN, BEAT DOWN, HAIL DOWN
=> Shame on them! What they did wasn't done and slandersous attacks RAINED DOWN on them as soon as their infamy spread across our community.

3) s'apaiser, se calmer (vent, colère...) : ABATE
=> They were waiting for the intensity of the wind to ABATE in order to embark and sail away.

Merci Maxwell ! et Merci à vous tous, courageux travailleurs !

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de maxwell, postée le 14-10-2018 à 08:14:57 (S | E)
Je prends les 2 phrases et les 2 expressions. J'espère que je ne vais pas t'attrister cette fois

1) Dogs are far more than excellent mobility aids: they provide COMPANIONSHIP as well as ENHANCE CONFIDENCE and independence.
Les chiens sont bien plus que d'excellentes aides à la mobilité : ils procurent une compagnie et renforcent la confiance et l'indépendance également.

2) They refuse COMMANDS that may lead the INSTRUCTORS into danger, for example if they order them to walk INTO a HOLE;
Ils refusent les ordres qui peuvent mettre les moniteurs en danger, par exemple s'ils leur ordonnent de tomber dans un trou;

11) The Seeing Eye = a un sens actif : l'oeil qui voit alors que « the Seen Eye » avait un sens passif : l'oeil vu.

Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de tereda, postée le 14-10-2018 à 10:41:31 (S | E)
bonjour à tous, je suis volontaire pour le texte,

bon dimanche à tous,

Bien qu'il existe des preuves que la relation de l'homme avec les loups a commencé il y a 400 000 ans, la domestication des chiens par l'homme coïncide avec l'évolution des premières races de chiens il y a environ 150 000 ans.

La première relation spéciale entre un chien et un aveugle s'est perdue dans la nuit des temps, mais l'exemple le plus ancien est représenté dans une peinture murale du Ier siècle AD avant notre ère, dans les ruines ROMAINES de Herculanum. Il existe d'autres témoignages jusqu'au Moyen Âge, de chiens conduisant des hommes aveugles.

Cependant, la première tentative systématique de dresser des chiens pour aider les aveugles a eu lieu vers 1780 à l'hôpital pour aveugles "Les Quinze-Vingts" à Paris.
L'histoire moderne du chien-guide a commencé pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, avec des milliers de soldats revenant du front, aveuglés souvent par les gaz toxiques.

Une riche Américaine, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, dressait déjà des chiens. Son énergie et son expertise ont lancé le mouvement des chiens-guides à l'échelle internationale. Le succès de l'expérience américaine incite Eustis à fonder une école canine à Vevey en Suisse en 1928. Elle a appelé cette école, comme celle du New Jersey, "L'Oeil qui Voit".

Depuis, les écoles de chiens-guides ont ouvert leurs portes partout dans le monde, et de plus en plus d'écoles ouvrent leurs portes à chaque décennie. Des milliers de personnes ont vu leur vie transformée par les chiens-guides, grâce aux organisations qui les fournissent. L'engagement des personnes qui travaillent pour ces organisations, et des personnes qui les soutiennent financièrement, est aussi important aujourd'hui qu'il l'a toujours été. Une héritière du legs de Dorothy Eustis continue d'œuvrer pour une mobilité, une dignité et une indépendance accrues des personnes aveugles et malvoyantes dans le monde entier.
Le mouvement se poursuit aujourd'hui.


Réponse : Rack Your brains and Help/ 31 de here4u, postée le 16-10-2018 à 14:56:03 (S | E)
Hello !

Merci à nos volontaires ! C'est un très bon travail ! s

Maxwell ... Tu me connais ...
Ton travail est excellent ... mais j'y trouve quand même à redire ... Ton féminin pour parler des chiens m'a gênée. J'ai donc choisi la forme épicène du mot et dirais : " plus que d'excellents aides à "... "sont plus que des aides excellents ..."
Je ne crois pas non plus que je mettrais "également" en fin de phrase ...

Lien internet

De même, "ordonnent de tomber dans un trou;" me semble étrange ... pourquoi pas "ordonnent de se diriger vers un trou ... : de marcher vers un trou". Ca revient au même, mais bon ... Bravo encore !

Tereda : Quel courage que de se lancer seule dans le travail prévu pour deux ...

- le " Ier siècle AD"= apr. J.-C.
- "de Herculanum = ruines d'Herculanum.

Merci encore, tous les deux, pour cet excellent travail.


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