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Rédaction /TV

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Rédaction /TV
Message de amandinecai posté le 30-10-2015 à 11:35:38 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger les erreurs svp s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

How do movies or television influence people’s behavior?
That question contains an affirmation which is movies and television change people behavior. The position of the television (=la place de la television) has changed a lot since its advent (= son arrivée) in households (= les foyers) about the 30’s.
At its beginning television only owns (possédait seulement) one canal which was only activated for few hours per (est-il possible d’utiliser « per » ou « a » ?) weeks. The quality of the screen was very bad and the picture was in black and white. Television sets being (les postes de television) very expensive and their use being very restricted, only few hundred of households owned one in the 40’s. So it isn’t possible to say that the TV has already modified habits (=les habitudes) of the society at this time (=à cette epoque).
The television has begun to extend in the 50’s even if it stayed costly (=couteux). Several popular TV shows were born.
In the 60’s a new canal and the colour have appeared. In the 70’s the television is extensively (=largement) implanted.
Since the 60’s, we have seen the following changes (=les changements suivants) :
_ Screens have benefited of better quality
_ Sounds are better quality too.
_ The TNT with its multiple canals has created
_ And publicities have improved too. (= S’est développée)
Nowadays statistics reveal that french people pass about three and a half hour per day in front of a television set. This number doesn’t include time passed in front of others screen like computers and internet.
So we can note we spend a lot of time with our television.
Firstly, it’s a ludic activity (=activité ludique). It serves to spend time without getting borred (=sans s’ennuyer). The feature (particularité) of this activity is its passive and easy to use nature (son charactere passif et facile d’utilisation). Indeed, we only have to push button to watch TV.
In general, when we watch TV we don’t need to do and to think about specific something. For these reasons its detractors accuse it to substitute at more active healthy activities like sports. They say it’s an stultifying activity (une activite abetissante) and it transforms people in zombie.
Someone blame it to make violent children (=de rendre les enfants violents) and to damage (de nuire) the sociability. Indeed today, we no longer need (=nous n’avons plus besoin) to meet people to busy us when we are bored. Our grandparents often say that before they used to see frequently their friends and neighbour to play cards and to talk with them. They say that with the incomer (=la venue) of the TV these habits deasapered a little. They say that people are more selfish and individualistic than then back.
Unlikely, others say (d’autres disent) the television is an instrument of culture (un instrument de culture) which can be useful to entertain and to teach somethings to people. Indeed its matters (=ses contenus) are varied. It’s possible to watch educative show and every kind of movies and documentary and TV show… Thanks to this invention, culture become accessible to all (=devient accessible à tous). They say too there are nothing which prove that TV make chidren violent. The studies about this issue tend to contradict (=tendent à se contredire). Above all it is a tool to decompress and to have a good time in the evenning after working.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-10-2015 12:33

Réponse: Rédaction /TV de laure95, postée le 01-11-2015 à 18:38:05 (S | E)
- people behavior: il manque la marque de la possession.
-The position: utiliser un autre mot.
- At its beginning television only owns: pas le bon temps.
- this time: THIS ne s'utilise pas au passé.
- it stayed: pas le bon mot.
- Screens have benefited of better quality: pas la bonne préposition.
- Sounds are better quality too: pas le bon verbe.
-The TNT with its multiple canals has created: mettre à la voix passive.
- And publicities: pas le bon mot.
- french people pass: pas le bon verbe.
- about three and a half hour: pluriel.
- others screen: pluriel sur le 2è mot.
- So we can note: pas le bon verbe.
- we spend a lot of time with: pas la bonne préposition.
- specific something: utiliser THING sans SOME.
- For these reasons its detractors accuse it to: TO ACCUSE FROM.
- They say it’s an stultifying activity: AN + mot commençant par une voyelle.
- in zombie.
- Someone blame: conjugaison.
- to busy us: BUSY = adjectif.
- deasapered: orthographe.
- then back: ?
- somethings: singulier.
- educative show: à mettre au pluriel.
- documentary and TV show: même remarque.
-culture become: conjugaison.
- there are nothing: THERE ARE + PLURIEL.
- TV make chidren violent: conjugaison.
-to decompress:?

Réponse: Rédaction /TV de amandinecai, postée le 02-11-2015 à 12:13:44 (S | E)
Merci encore pour ton aide. J'ai corrigé mon fichier:

How do movies or television influence people’s behavior?
That question contains an affirmation which is movies and television change people’s behavior. The part (=la place) of the television (=la place de la television) has changed a lot since its advent (= son arrivée) in households (= les foyers) about the 30’s.
At its beginning television only owned (possédait seulement) one canal which was only activated for few hours per (est-il possible d’utiliser « per » ou « a » ?) weeks. The quality of the screen was very bad and the picture was in black and white. Television sets being (les postes de televesion) very expensive and their use being very restricted, only few hundred of households owned one in the 40’s. So it isn’t possible to say that the TV has already modified habits (=les habitudes) of the society at that time (=à cette époque).
The television has begun to extend in the 50’s even if it endured (=restait) costly (=couteux). Several popular TV shows were born.
In the 60’s a new canal and the colour have appeared. In the 70’s the television is extensively (=largement) implanted.
Since the 60’s, we have seen the following changes (=les changements suivants) :
_ Screens have benefited a better quality
_ Sounds have better quality too.
_ The TNT with its multiple canals has been created
_ And advertissement (=publicités) have improved too. (= S’est développée)
Nowadays statistics reveal that french people spend about three and a half hours per day in front of a television set. This number doesn’t include time passed in front of others screens like computers and internet.
So we can observe we spend a lot of time in front of our television.
Firstly, it’s a ludic activity (=activité ludique). It serves to spend time without getting borred (=sans s’ennuyer). The feature (particularité) of this activity is its passive and easy to use nature (son charactere passif et facile d’utilisation). Indeed, we only have to push button to watch TV.
In general, when we watch TV we don’t need to do and to think about specific. For these reasons its detractors accuse it from substitute at more active healthy activities like sports. They say it’s a stultifying activity (une activite abetissante) and it transforms people in zombi.
Someone blames it to make violent children (=de rendre les enfants violents) and to damage (de nuire) the sociability. Indeed today, we no longer need (=nous n’avons plus besoin) to meet people to occupy oursevles when we are bored. Our grandparents often say that before they used to see frequently their friends and neighbour to play cards and to talk with them. They say that with the incomer (=la venue) of the TV these habits disappeared a little. They say that people are more selfish and individualistic than at the time (=à l’epoque).
Unlikely, others say (d’autres disent) the television is an instrument of culture (un instrument de culture) which can be useful to entertain and to teach something to people. Indeed its matters (=ses contenus) are varied. It’s possible to watch educative shows and every kind of movies and documentary and TV shows… Thanks to this invention, culture has become accessible to all (=devient accessible à tous). They say too there are nothings which prove that TV makes chidren violent. The studies about this issue tend to contradict (=tendent à se contredire). Above all it is a tool to relax and to have a good time in the evenning after working.

Réponse: Rédaction /TV de laure95, postée le 03-11-2015 à 11:53:31 (S | E)
- an affirmation: an assertion.
- about the 30’s: around.
- one canal: pas le bon mot.
- the TV has already modified: mettre au past perfect.
- The television has begun: mettre au prétért.
- it endured (=restait): remained.
- a new canal
- and the colour have appeared: prétérit.
- In the 70’s the television is implanted: même remarque.
- Screens have benefited a better quality: TO BENEFIT FROM.
- better quality too: il manque un article.
- And advertissement: orthographe.
- improved: TO IMPROVE = améliorer.
- french: majuscule.
- others screens: seul le 2è mot se met au pluriel.
-nature: ?
- button: mettre un article devant.
-specific: specific what?
- accuse it from substitute: TO ACCUSE OF + VERBE + ING.
- zombi: orthographe.
- Someone blames it to make violent children (=de rendre les enfants violents): mal construit.
- oursevles: orthographe.
- neighbour: à mettre au pluriel.
- documentary: pluriel.
- there are nothings: NOTHING = mot au singulier.
- which prove: singulier.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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