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Interpretation /poem

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Interpretation /poem
Message de solas posté le 25-07-2013 à 12:04:00 (S | E | F)

I'd like to make sure if I understand the poem below correctly.

"Two is the number of love.
Life's everlasting breath.
Sometimes its blind pursuit leads not to life but death"

Here's what I assume;
The first sentence,
"Two is the number that indicates love" because it takes more than one people to exchange love.

The second sentence,
"The two people will continue loving each other until the day they die"
I'm not exactly sure what "live" here mean.

The third sentence,
"Sometimes either one of them demands love so much, it may cause the end of love"

Could someone please help me understand them clearly?
Thank you very much,

Edited by solas on 25-07-2013 18:02

Edited by lucile83 on 25-07-2013 18:29
Topic transféré de English Only à Forum principal car il y a des phrases en français en bas, ce qui n'est pas possible dans English Only Forum.

Réponse: Interpretation /poem de bluestar, postée le 25-07-2013 à 12:45:40 (S | E)

I looked this up and the lines come from a TV show called "Zero Hour" which I haven't seen. Presumably the destructive passion the lines describe is characteristic of someone(or of two people) in the show..By the way, "Live's" in the second line should be "Life's".

Réponse: Interpretation /poem de solas, postée le 25-07-2013 à 14:25:34 (S | E)
Hello bluestar,

Thank you very much for your response.
You're right, it is used in the drama, but I think it is supposed to mean how the love works in general.
And I'd like to understand it literally and grammatically.
Thank you,

Edited by solas on 25-07-2013 14:28

Réponse: Interpretation /poem de hortensia, postée le 25-07-2013 à 14:31:58 (S | E)
Hello Solas!
Yes, I share your interpretation of the first sentence: it's beautiful when two people are in love with each other, "two" becomes the number of "Love" itself!
"Life's everlasting breath" might mean that true love gives life "eternity", because: true love never dies!

The third sentence should be written : "its" blind pursuit, which means the blind pursuit of love, and not "it is blind pursuit"(I think there is a mistake there).
Your interpretation seems good.
I suggest also: "Sometimes, a person may be "blind" because he or she may fall in love with the wrong person, and he or she may suffer from it, and end up with a broken heart: "not life, but death": "Death" representing all the suffering involved in this affair, where "love" was not equally shared by the two people, that lead to the end of this affair.
I hope it helps!
Have a nice day Solas!

Réponse: Interpretation /poem de solas, postée le 25-07-2013 à 14:49:31 (S | E)
Hello hortensia,

Thank you so much for describing it clearly and beautifully!
I agree with your suggestion for the third line.
The poem has become more convincing and understandable, which makes me very happy.
Thank you again.
Hope you have a nice day, too.

Réponse: Interpretation /poem de notrepere, postée le 25-07-2013 à 17:14:06 (S | E)

Sometimes it's blind pursuit
I think this should be: Sometimes its blind pursuit... (the blind pursuit of love)

Réponse: Interpretation /poem de hortensia, postée le 25-07-2013 à 17:49:07 (S | E)
Indeed, dear Notrepère, that's exactly what I told Solas in my above answer!
But, as we say in French, "deux précisions valent mieux qu'une!"

Réponse: Interpretation /poem de solas, postée le 25-07-2013 à 18:11:13 (S | E)
Sorry, I should have corrected the errors when bluestar and hortensia pointed them out.
I appreciate your kind support.
De la discussion jaillit la lumière.

Réponse: Interpretation /poem de hortensia, postée le 25-07-2013 à 21:54:07 (S | E)
Yes, definitely! Bonne nuit, Solas!


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