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Relecture/ résumé

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Relecture/ résumé
Message de jasmine26 posté le 14-10-2017 à 00:38:05 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous !
Me voici étudiante en Droit, je dois faire un résumé sur un texte , ayant un niveau B1 en anglais j'ai fait de mon mieux , allant au plus simple , en m'aidant de mon dictionnaire et bien sûr de mes connaissances , malheureusement personne dans mon entourage pour m'aider en anglais , est-ce que quelq'un aurait la gentillesse de vérifier si j'ai fait des erreurs de formulation , grammaire , conjugaison ou autres afin de ne plus reproduire tout cela par la suite .
Merci d'avance je vous poste mon texte ci dessous

We can see two texts about the law. Firstly, we ask ourselves what is the definition of the word ’ Law''. There is no specified answer for this question.
Indeed, there is no specific and accepted definition, a lot of people can describe the word ‘’law’’ but it is difficult to give an explicit definition.
To simplify, we might replace the word ‘’ law’’ by the word ‘’ rule ‘’ and we can see that rules are present all over the world in many different forms. In legal terms, laws were established by the government, to make human behavior predictable.
Secondly, many theories are to know, ''Natural Law ''theory and ''Legal Positivism ''theory which are two distinct theories.
Finally, an English legal writer gave a definition of the law and defined as a ‘’body ''. The rule of law constitutes a body: the law, applied by state, contrary a natural law, in order to regulate the behavior of men and in an organized socie

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-10-2017 08:26

Réponse : Relecture/ résumé de here4u, postée le 14-10-2017 à 03:29:25 (S | E)

We can see two texts about the law.= maladroit...) Firstly, we ask ourselves what is = mélange des styles interrogatif direct et indirect - place de "is")the definition of the word ’ THE Law''. There is no specified answer for this question.
Indeed, there is no specific and accepted definition, a lot of people can describe the word ‘’law’’ but it is difficult to give an explicit definition. (clumsy)
To simplify, we might replace "the word law’’ by the word ‘’ rule ‘’ and we can see that rules are present all over the world in many different forms. In legal terms, XXX laws were established by the government, to make human behavior predictable.
Secondly, many theories are to know, ''Natural Law ''theory and ''Legal Positivism ''theory which are two distinct theories.
Finally, an English legal writer legist? jurist? ) gave a definition of the law and defined IT as a ‘’body ''. The rule of law constitutes a body: the law, applied by THE state, contrary TO a natural law, in order to regulate the behavior of men and in an organized socieTY ?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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