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Message de frederiquebain posté le 2004-11-03 19:56:56 (S | E | F | I)
level2:EX:What's a fork for ? r ép: It's to eat with.

1-What's a fridge for?

2-What's a telephone for?

3-What's a suitcase for?

4-What are keys for?

5-What's a bed for?

6-What's are sunglasses for?

7-What's money for?

Réponse: re:what are they for? de morenita, postée le 2004-11-03 20:37:37 (S | E)
Hi frederiquebain!!
good exercise
I ll try:
2-What's a telephone for?
*to call with
*to recieve calls
3-What's a suitcase for?
to put our clothes in when we're traveling
4-What are keys for?
*to lock doors with
5-What's a bed for?
to sleep on
6-What's are sunglasses for?
*to protect our eyes from the sun
7-What's money for?
This is a hard qst!!!
well,I can say to live with!!!!
or to enjoy life with

Réponse: re:what are they for? de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-03 20:47:26 (S | E)
Dear Morenita,
Not bad,
quelques petites erreurs mais l'idée est là. J'attends encore un peu avant de mettre la correction. Merci pour t'y être collé!

Réponse: re:what are they for? de morenita, postée le 2004-11-03 20:51:12 (S | E)
thanx Fred (I allow myself to call you fred if you dont mind )
would you send me the mitakes by PM?so as to correct them

Réponse: re:what are they for? de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-03 21:12:10 (S | E)
for Willy;

La forme for+ing est correcte mais dans ce cas je voulais faire travailler l' infinitif. Je n'ai pas été assez précise, Sorry....

Réponse: re:what are they for? de yannloic, postée le 2004-11-03 23:54:45 (S | E)
For me a fork is a way to divide a computer process so that process fork off (tere's a branch) and you have to process working at the same time.

1 a frigde keeps foods cold enough to preserve them (conserve Is it right?).

2) A phone allows you to call friends, relative and business relations.

3) A suitcase allows you to carry your clothes.

4) keys are here to open the doors or the kingdom

5) a bed is for sleeping or for ... I can't say that.

6) sunglasses protects my eyes from sun rays.

7) money is for buying things money can't buy me love (Beatles).

Thank you frederiquebain for the subject. With this one, we can lead up the level.

Réponse: re:what are they for? de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-04 12:54:50 (S | E)
Very good yannloic


1-To keep food fresh

2-To call friends

3-To carry clothes in

4-They're to lock and unlock doors

5-To sleep in or to..........(up to you, Yannloic!)

6-to protect from the sun

7-to pay with

I have to go back to school... BYE, FRED.

Réponse: re:what are they for? de ninou30, postée le 2004-11-04 12:57:33 (S | E)
It not easy but I try :

1-What's a fridge for? It's to preserve food.

2-What's a telephone for? It's to call someone or to receive a call.

3-What's a suitcase for? It's to keep clothes in travel.

4-What are keys for? They are to lock doors with.

5-What's a bed for? It's to sleep.

6-What's are sunglasses for? they are to protect your eyes against sun.

7-What's money for? It's to pay what you buy.

Réponse: re:what are they for? de zen34, postée le 2004-11-04 13:51:40 (S | E)
Salut frederiquebain,
Bonne idée cette exo!

1-What's a fridge for? It’s to refresh food.
2-What's a telephone for? It’s to communicate with other peoples.
3-What's a suitcase for? It’s to transport some stuffs with.
4-What are keys for? They are to open or close a lock with.
5-What's a bed for? It’s to get longer on.
6-What are sunglasses for? They are to protect eyes from sun.
7-What's money for? It’s to buy something with.


Réponse: re:what are they for? de yannloic, postée le 2004-11-04 14:37:31 (S | E)
Je reprends la remarque de zen34. C'est vraiment une bonne idée frederiquebain

Tu peux nous en proposer d'autres quand tu veux.

Edité par bridg le 04-11-2004 17:34



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